Privacy Policy
Protecting your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you visit our museum or use our services.
1. Introduction

At the Jeddah teamLab Borderless Jeddah museum, safeguarding your privacy is paramount. We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of your data when you visit our museum or utilize our services.

2. Information Collection

We collect various types of personal information to enhance your experience and provide you with our services effectively. This may include your name, email address, demographic details, and other relevant information. We gather this data through website forms, online transactions, and interactions with our platform.

3. Use of Personal Information

Your personal information is utilized primarily to facilitate transactions, communicate important updates or event details, and personalize your experience with our museum. We do not sell or share your personal data with third parties without your explicit consent, except when mandated by law or to fulfill contractual obligations.

4. Data Protection

The teamLab Borderless Jeddah museum implements stringent measures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We employ industry-standard practices such as encryption, firewalls, and secure server infrastructure to ensure the security of your data.

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website utilizes cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user experience and gather valuable insights into visitor preferences. These cookies may serve various purposes, including analytics, advertising, and session management. Users have the option to manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.

6. User Rights

As a user, you have certain rights regarding your personal information. This includes the right to access, correct, or delete data that we hold about you. Instructions on how to exercise these rights are available by contacting our designated privacy officer.

7. Updates to the Privacy Policy

To ensure transparency and compliance with evolving privacy standards, we may update our Privacy Policy periodically. Users will be notified of any changes through appropriate channels, such as email notifications or website announcements.

8. Contact Information

For privacy-related inquiries or concerns, please reach out to our privacy officer. You can also contact us directly through our website for further assistance.

By engaging with the teamLab Borderless Museum, you acknowledge and consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. We are dedicated to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors by upholding the highest standards of privacy protection.

F&B Policy:

1- Museum Dining Restrictions

No food or beverages are allowed inside the museum.

2- Food and Beverage

All food and beverages must be consumed only in designated restaurant area outside the museum

3- Trash Disposal

Guests are encouraged to dispose of their trash responsibly in designated bins.

4- Indoor Smoking and Vaping Restrictions

No smoking or vaping is permitted in any indoor dining areas.

5- Spills and Accidents

Any spills or accidents must be reported to staff immediately for prompt cleanup.

6- Dining Etiquette:

Guests are expected to adhere to proper etiquette while dining, including using indoor voices and being mindful of others.

7- Allergies and Dietary Restrictions:

Guests are encouraged to report any food allergies or dietary restrictions to staff.

8- Belongings Responsibility

Management is not responsible for lost personal belongings in dining areas.

Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy your dining experience at teamLab Borderless Museum!