Rules and Regulations for Video/Photography
We also would like to inform you of some rules and regulations for video/photograph of the exhibits to follow while inside teamLab Borderless Jeddah museum:
1. Handling Tripods on Mirrored Floors

The artwork spaces have mirrored floors. If using a tripod, please ensure to use thick protective measures.

2. Prohibition of Flash or Lighting in Photography

Do not use flash or lighting when filming/photographing the artworks.

3. Tripod Usage Restrictions and Protective Measures

Tripods are not allowed inside the artwork with mirrored floors. If you'd like to use a tripod in these rooms, ensure to use thick protective covering such as felt cloths or tennis balls to prevent damage to the floors.

4. Camera Recommendations for Low-Light Conditions

The museum is completely dark, and artworks are made by projecting lights. Use of high-sensitivity cameras and/or DSLR cameras is highly recommended.

5. Restrictions on Post-Production Editing

In post-production, please refrain from altering, modifying, or changing the nature of the artwork. This includes but is not limited to; changing colors; photoshop; overlaying images; adding filters/effects; changing speed (fast-forwarding/slow-mo); adding transition effects; GIF, etc. The nature of the artwork must be presented as it is.

6. Correct Spelling of "teamLab"

Always spell “teamLab” with lowercase “t” and uppercase “L” even at the beginning of a sentence. (Correct: teamLab | Incorrect: TeamLab, Teamlab, etc.)

7. Official Museum Name

The official name of the museum is teamLab Borderless Jeddah.

8. Access to Press Materials

Comprehensive press photos, videos, and press releases can be downloaded from the following: Presskit

9. Pre-Publication Fact-Checking with teamLab

If possible, please send any created materials and accompanying text to teamLab ahead of publication in order to run a quick fact check to avoid any misspellings, incorrect artwork titles, etc.

10. Additional Information for Editors

For more details, please refer to Notes to Editors: Notes to Editors